Copy the last xx lines of Clipboard to Variable - Then set each line as another variable

I'm gathering data from a text file.
It has 100 - 200 lines of text.
I know I want the last 41 lines of text and then want to assign each of those lines to a variable.
I'm sure the 'for each' will solve the last part of the puzzle, but I cannot find how to set a 'master' variable to the last 41 lines of the clipboard.

Hey Troy,

The shell has a command specifically for doing that called tail.

Change -4 to -41 with your input and save to a variable instead of displaying in a window.


Get Tailing Lines.kmmacros (4.6 KB)


@ccstone awesome, works like a charm.

Can I overstay my welcome and ask if you know how to get

Avella, Tiffany (the first line)

into variables: Name_Last and Name_First ?? =)

Hey Troy,

That's easy with a little RegEx.


Get Trailing Lines & Extract LName- FName.kmmacros (9.0 KB)

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