Copying Excel Data (and uploading to websites)

Hi folks,

First of all, I've been getting great helps from @JMichaelTX. I'm very new to programming and especially to KM and I wouldn't have gotten where I am without him.

With that said, he used this crazy code I can't understand to put and save each data into variables. Check the link here: How Do I Copy and Paste from Excel to Website?

I'm still baffled how to create new variables so I could put more data into it since this was only a portion. I've been noticing my data's columns are off so here's the updated real example: (11.7 KB)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been having trouble with making excel to variables, so any information and insights will be very helpful!

A post was merged into an existing topic: How Do I Copy and Paste from Excel to Website?