Since upgrading to KM7, I have been having troubles with my clipboard macros. I have 7 macros for copying to seven different clipboard and pasting from those clipboards. Since upgrading, they are not copying the right information into the clipboard. They are getting the contents of the current clipboard and not not the current selection. They are setup as:
Has the functionality of this action changed? I have also noticed that this is not always consistent. Sometimes it is working as before, but other times it behaves as above.
I use these shortcuts a whole lot. But, with the relative flacky nature now, I am inclined to revert to KM6. Please advise me on how to get this to work better. Thanks.
Yes, there is a flaw in the Copy, Cut, and Copy to Named Clipboards. They do not wait long enough after the Command-C before continuing so they tend to read the old clipboard.
Either run it once and set it permanently, or add it before each of the Copy to Named Clipboard actions. You can remove it after you update to 7.0.1 which fixes the issue (I’ll get that out soonish).
It seems I still have issues with this action. I made this macro in Keyboard Maestro 7.0.3:
And, for instance, if my selected text is "Keyboard Maestro Is Awesome!", Keyboard Maestro often pastes "Keyboard Maestro Is Awesome! Keyboard maestro is awesome!"
It pastes it twice. Or it pastes the old clipboard followed by the filtered one.
And, as raguay mentioned, this is not always consistent. Sometimes it works. Sometimes not.
Never use a named–clipboard (unless of course you genuinely need too).
The default-system-clipboard is the medium by which named-clipboards are populated, so you DO NOT PRESERVE the contents of the system-clipboard by using a named clipboard.
(UNLESS – you deliberately copy the system-clipboard to a temp-clipboard – then cut/copy to your named-clipboard – then deliberately restore the system-clipboard with your temp-clipboard.)
The appended macro works with perfect reliability on my system (adjust the pauses as needed.)
P.S. I'm only using a named-clipboard in this macro to test what you were doing – ordinarily I would NOT do that for this kind of text transformation – I'd use the default-system-clipboard.
Is that not the normal behavior that is suppose to happen with Copy to Named Clipboard? It would make sense if it never copied to the system clipboard and just went straight to the named clipboard bypassing the extra steps ccstone laid out. I use Launchbars clipboard history and it would be nice if this could never go into it's clipboard history when saving to a Keyboard Maestro clipboard history.
It might make sense, but it is impossible to do - you can only copy to the System Clipboard. After that the copied data can have something done to it (like copied to a Named Clipboard which is a Keyboard Maestro construct). But there is no other way (except in some specific applications) to get the selection contents out of the application except by copying to the System Clipboard.
Okay thanks for the info Peter, good to know that it has to go through the system clipboard first. Didn’t realize that was a system limitation I guess for security resasons. By the way 7.2 looks amazing and a lot of stuff added that I will have to play with. So glad I migrated from QuicKeys.