A complete newbie here, and your collective wisdom would be most appreciated on what is probably a really simple question, but I haven't been able to find an answer for so far. I'd like to create a dated folder in finder, with an incrementing alphabetised suffix at the end of the name. For example "Invoices_240918_A", "Invoices_240918_B", etc. The idea being that when the date changes the suffix resets to A. I would never need more than 20 folders in any given day, so I wouldn't need to worry about what happened once I hit "Invoices_240918_Z"
Thanks so much for reading, and your advice is most appreciated.
The "folder exists" and "create new folder" patterns are both ~/Desktop/OUTPUTS/Invoices_%ICUDateTime%yyMMdd%_%Variable%Local_s1%%Variable%Local_s2%
You'll have a decision to make at that point, since ..._AA would be created after, but listed alphabetically before, ..._B.
If you are happy with that then start Local_suffixes with a blank line and "Include blank lines" in the outer "For Each..." only. If you want to start out with ...AA, miss out the blank line or uncheck "Include...".
This loop-inside-a-loop works because, in a "For Each...", Collections are local to that "For Each..." and each Collection is iterated through independently, even when created from the same "thing". Just remember to use different variables, here Local_s1 and Local_s2, to hold "each item" in!
Thank you @Nige_S for taking the time to take this even further- that's amazing! Iām just starting to get my head around this powerful piece of software, but having someone talk you through it, and its internal logic, helps so much. Thank you again!