Create a Keystroke for Command+h

Hello People,

How do I create a keystroke for Command+h without having the application hide on me?

Is my only option creating a macro to disable (Command+h) and then create the keystroke and then re-enable command?

Thank you for your time,

Do you mean in the "Type a Keystroke" action in Keyboard Maestro? Just make sure the "Simulate Keystroke" text box is selected then type your ⌘H -- KM won't hide.

Otherwise, what application do you mean and why do you want to send it a ⌘H and not hide?

Hey Inc,

Welcome to the forum!  :sunglasses:


As Nigels advises – make sure you've clicked into the hotkey field before typing the keystroke you want to use.

If you do this properly Keyboard Maestro will absorb that keystroke, and it will be entered into the field.


Sorry fr wasting ur guys time. Seems like I was getting a bug earlier.

All fixed lol.

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