Create a Trello Card From a Gmail

I use Trello at my job, and Gmail for email.

Trello makes an addon that lets you send a Gmail to a Trello card, but the card that's created does not include a link back to the original Gmail.

That's what I want to do in Keyboard Maestro.

The attached screenshot shows the situation at the time I'd like to invoke KM. The email and the Trello addon panel are both open. What I'd like to do is:

  1. Copy the URL of the email and paste it into the Description in the Trello panel at the right, where I've indicated with the red arrow.

  2. If possible, delete the existing text of the descriptions. This is optional.

  3. Click the green ADD button way at the bottom of the Trello panel.

Thank you for any help,

Here's what I have so far. Thank you.