Date/Time Offset for all Macros

Hi there, I have some macros written that do things like create a folder with a date and timestamp using:


I have a collaborator who is working out of my timezone who I would like to be able to use this macro and have that date timestamp line up with my timezone and not his. Is there a way for him to easily set his timezone in KM or via a macro action so that anytime the above is triggered it outputs in the timezone I want?

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Assuming the other guy doesn't want to change his system's timezone, this can be a royal PITA.

I think the hopefully simplest method would be to set up a time zone offset variable. For you it would be zero, for him it would be +/- whatever it takes to convert his times to your times.

Then you can use %ICUDateTimePlus% to add/subtract the offset.

This will be problematic when Daylight Saving Time changes, because his won't align with yours, but you can adjust that on the fly.

Unless you need it to be bulletproof, in which case you'll need to do a lot of really un-fun things, which can take forever to get right.

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