I'm using this app called Glyphs Mini, would like to use these commands to switch between tabs:
Cmd-1 - goes to Tab 1
Cmd-2 - goes to Tab 2
Cmd-3 - goes to Tab 3
ran Window Analyzer but Applescript is not supported:
Glyphs Mini -- Window Properties Report -- 01 Windows Listed
Window 01 : New Font-Regular - New Font
position : 0, 23
size : 1440, 837
subrole : AXStandardWindow
role : AXWindow
focused : false
title : New Font-Regular - New Font
role description : standard window
description : standard window,
class : window
accessibility description : missing value
enabled : missing value
help : missing value
maximum value : missing value
minimum value : missing value
orientation : missing value
selected : missing value
value : missing value
so my next thought was: KM can do it!
If I have only 2 or 3 tabs opened, it works because I'm using the overlapping area which tab #2 occupies when there are 2 or 3 tabs.
So far so good.
But, what if I have Four tabs?
It breaks because Cmd-2 will click the area where Tab #3 now resides:
Lowest tech solution so far I can think of, minimal effort required:
Always use four tabs, no less, so Cmd-1 to 4 will always click in their respective location.
Any other ideas?