Difference between "Show palette for one action" and "Show Palette of Macros"?

I have trouble understanding the differences between "Show palette for one action" and "Show Palette of Macros".

Macro group:

"Show palette for one action"

"Show Palette of Macros"?

Things I noticed are

  1. "Show Palette of Macros" is shown as a conflict palette. It can be configured in the preference.
    The palette of "Show palette for one action" can be configured here:

    But I set it to "Always activated".

It will not show the palette configuration setting. I will have to first set it to something like below, customize the palette, then switch back to "Always activated". This is not intuitive at all. I guess the palette was not designed to be used with "Always activated". However, "Show palette for one action" still works when it is "always activated". Therefore, I think it is better to make the palette configuration visible in "Always activated". @peternlewis?

  1. "Show Palette of Macros" allow us to add more macro groups.

  2. my guess is that the palette style for "Show palette for one action" is only applicable to this specific macro group and will not affect other macro groups, whereas the palette styles in the preference (below) affect all macro groups. Correct?

When the macro group is disabled, neither action will bring up the palette. There must be other differences that I don't know.

The Show Palette of Macros action gives you access to the Conflict Palette facility with your choice of macros. You can choose any selection of macros, and selecting a macro group is just a short form for selecting the contained macros.

The Activate Macro Group action and its variants, including Show Palette for One Action allow you to explicitly control the activation of a macro group. The palette you get is the macro groups.

I could, but I'm not going to - it ads clutter and confusion that would almost never be warranted. Set the macro group to Show Palette Until or Show/Hide Palette When and don't configure any options, which more accurately expressed what you are doing and allows you to configure the palette.