Is it possible to have a evergreen menu item, generated by KBM that says the name of the system audio input?
Here's something I came up with quite quickly and that hasn't had a ton of testing—mainly because I only have a couple external input sources.
Get Input Source.kmmacros (18 KB)
This is a macro group with one macro in it. The macro looks like this:
As you can see, it's set to run every minute, and uses Terminal to get the name of the current audio input device, which it saves to a variable. I then remove the colon (not sure if that's there on every device, but it is for the built-in mic), and a Case statement then shortens the long names for use in the menu bar:
Here's how it looks on my MacBook Pro:
The icon I used is one licensed under "free to use and share" terms, but you can set your own just by changing the icon on the macro group—or set it to none if you don't need an icon.
The macro handles a case where you don't have an input (i.e. on my Mac Studio), and is aware of the Yeti microphone and Beats Studio Buds—the other two external mic devices I own :).
You can add more conditions to the Case statement for devices of your own; just set the condition to match the long name as displayed when the macro first runs after you connect that source.
I'm not sure if the macro could be made to be automatic, based on something that happens at the system level that could be used as a Keyboard Maestro trigger when the input changes; someone with much more experience than I with external sound input devices might be able to help with that.
But even running every minute, this macro will have minimal overhead—and you can change the interval to whatever works for you.
If you downloaded the macro before 9:22am Pacific Time, please download again: The macro I posted now links to an improved version that handles the case where there's no external mic, and covers a couple of devices that I was able to test.
Rob -
Took a bit of tinkering for me to understand the macro, learned a lot. Thanks!