Display Text Briefly -- Notification Title

When I use a Display Text (briefly) action, I get a Big Sur notification whose title (the first line of the notification) appears as "Display Text," in bold. This is a useless title and a waste of space on the notification. Can I change that to, say, My_Macro_Name, or delete that line entirely?

Yep. Just use the KM Notification action.

Thank you. And I just learned I must select "All Actions" before entering a search term. :slight_smile:

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I much prefer using the "Insert Action by Name", which provides a very intelligent search, including synonyms, of all actions. ⌃⌘A


The conventional search lets me click and drag. After I do a search using Control-Command-A, I want to drag my choice into my macro. It appears I have to position the cursor in advance, which is awkward for me.