Does anyone have experience writing macros for Bear as opposed to Evernote?

thank you in advance for your input.

Don’t get too excited by this.

I’ve just installed Bear and started developing macros for it. So far I only have 2 and If you’re interested I’ll upload them to you.


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Why Bear instead of Evernote?
I don't see anything about Bear that makes it stand out from the multitude of other note apps.
The promo didn't say anything about web clipping, which is one of the main actions that I use Evernote for.

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thank you. I uninstalled Bear. Too many limitations as compared to evernote.

You are 100% right. I uninstalled Bear.
I would give Bear credit for only one thing: the ability to move items easily in list format. A big pain with Evernote as far as I am concerned.
Why they don’t improve their editor is a mystery to me.
I would add that I was a bit frustrated, having attained the 250 notebook limit. I know about tags, but having to restructure a zillion tags is a dauting task. The absence of subnotebooks is also a pain.
thanks for your comment.

Just FYI, Bear does have an extension that does clippings:

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Hi John -

Yes, I’m interested to see any Bear macros you’ve got.

Best regards,

Give us a synopsis of what macros you have (and also want to make) please @Av8tntek.

I’m on the verge of deciding between Bear and Ulysses and sticking with Editorial/Byword.