Downtime at 4am GMT

No currently, I am chasing too many other things. I’d be surprised if changing to 1.7.8 broke it and to 1.7.9 fixed it, but who knows what is wrong.

The final fix for the forum server is done, there should be no more downtime.

Discourse 1.8 is due out in a week, so I will update to that in a couple weeks which may or may not affect @JMichaelTX’s issue.

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Great news! Thanks for all your hard work. I know, from experience, that doing this kind of stuff is necessary, but not what we really enjoy doing. :wink:[quote="peternlewis, post:22, topic:7049"]
Discourse 1.8 is due out in a week, so I will update to that in a couple weeks which may or may not affect @JMichaelTX's issue.

OK, thanks, Peter. I really hope it does.

So, without having read the whole thread, it’s over now? If Yes (and also if No) many thanks for the smooth transition. ( I haven’t noticed any inconveniences.)

1 Like

Yes, done now, until the 1.8 upgrade, hopefully that will go smoothly. Thankfully, since I am in Australia, if I do it in the middle of my day, most of the world is asleep.

Yeah, I always felt that my idea to emigrate to Australia would have some drawbacks. Now I’m glad that I didn’t do it :grinning:

Really? What about all those folks in China, India, and Russia? :wink:

Sorry, couldn't help from having a bit of fun. :grinning:

I think the Chinese and Indians are mainly using Windows, Linux or similar stuff. So don’t worry too much :wink:

@peternlewis and @ccstone:

Just confirmed the above script is now working, probably fixed with the Discourse Ver 1.8 update.

Just for reference, here's a copy of the script:

(function () {
  var oSeln = window.getSelection(),
    nodeCode = document.evaluate(
      './ancestor-or-self::*[self::code or self::pre]',
      null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, 0
    rngDoc = nodeCode ?
      document.createRange() : null;

  if (nodeCode) {
  return oSeln.toString();

Hey Jim,

That works perfectly in Chrome 61.0.3163.100 on macOS 10.12.6.

Unfortunately it does NOT work in Safari 11.0 on the same OS.

@ComplexPoint — Rob — have you ever tried to fix this for Safari?
