Drag Mouse Across Monitors

I am working on a macro to drag from a found image to my mouse location at the start of the macro.

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I want to hit a hotkey, drag the mouse from a found image on my left monitor, to my mouse location at the start of macro on my middle monitor. When I execute this macro, the mouse will move but it will not drag between the two monitors.

This is definitely doable.
You might take a look at this macro:

MACRO: Drag Image 1 to Drop on Image 2 [Example]

If you still need help, look at these examples:

Thanks, but I can only drag a found image to my mouse on one monitor, but when I try to drag from a found image on my left monitor to mouse location on my right monitor, my mouse will move but it will not complete the drag.

That doesn't make sense to me. The macOS, and KM, considers the combination of all recognized monitors as one screen space. So if I have two monitors, each that has 2560x1440, then that yields 5120x1440 addressable space. There is no problem dragging from one monitor to the other.

So you can click and hold and drag from 200,400 to 3000,500 without any problem.

So take a look at the macros I gave you and you should be able to make it work.