Dragging a file to the purple folder on a "Write to a file" action doesn't allow it to grab the path, unlike the Open a File action, for example. When I drop the file, it automatically creates a new "Open a File action. This seems like a bug, right?
I even tried removing the path that was already there, because it could be "a thing", but same behavior.
If I drag the file directly to the empty space, it adds the path, but this is not ideal, because if there's something there already, it will merge the two
I tend to agree with your analysis. But I will add one more comment. In Dark Mode, the icon for a folder seems to be missing the tab on the top left of the icon. At least it's impossible to read in your screenshot. Maybe the icon could use more contrast.
If that's what you mean, the tab is there, but not as clear as the light mode.
This doesn't bother me, though.
I hope @Peter is able to fix this to make it consistent across all actions (if this is indeed a bug, which seems to be)
That is exactly what I mean, but when you say "not as clear" I can't even see it at all without using a screen magnifier. No doubt some clarity is lost when you upload your screen to this website, because of data compression and/or scaling. For the first two minutes of reading your post, I actually thought that the icons were different because the "tab" was invisible to me.
@peternlewis just wanted to know if there are any plans to fix this? It seems that this is still an issue with the current version 11.0.2
Dragging a file to either the purple icon or even the text field, doesn't work. When I do it, the only thing that happens is that it automatically adds the Open a File action after the Write to File action.