What's the purpose of Edit > Find > Jump to Selection?
This menu option is not document here: Menus – Keyboard Maestro wiki
When I select that menu item, I don't see any change.
Any insight would be appreciated. TIA!
What's the purpose of Edit > Find > Jump to Selection?
This menu option is not document here: Menus – Keyboard Maestro wiki
When I select that menu item, I don't see any change.
Any insight would be appreciated. TIA!
Jump to Selection is standard for applications which use text. Imagine you have a text document that won't all fit on one screen. You search for some text, it's found, then you scroll through the document a bit. The found text is still highlighted, but not visible. Jump to Selection will return it to visibly in front of you.
Hi, @NaOH. Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I've seen that in other apps. However, in the Keyboard Maestro application I don't see any change.
Since it's not documented in the wiki (at least not somewhere that I've found), I wonder if it has any function in Keyboard Maestro.
If you highlight text that is in a long Comment
, and then scroll through the comment so that the highlighted text cannot be seen, "Jump to Selection" will scroll back to it.