Does anybody have a good method to edit the last executed macro?
Usually I activate the editor, jump to “All Macros,” and sort by execution (via a macro!). But this isn’t super fast.
Does anybody have a good method to edit the last executed macro?
Usually I activate the editor, jump to “All Macros,” and sort by execution (via a macro!). But this isn’t super fast.
Hey Jack,
You can use
I am looking for such internal KM action as an help in macro development (period of wishes)
How did I miss this! Fantastic!
Am I right in thinking there is no keyboard shortcut for this?
Correct, though you could obviously add a Keyboard Maestro-specific macro that clicked the button for you.
Thanks, Peter. But won’t that set THAT macro as the most recently
executed macro?
Hey Jack,
You forgot to say “Please Peter – we want keyboard shortcuts for this stuff!”
Hah. Yes! @peternlewis, that would be wonderful.
There is something deeply ironic about the fact that I actually use the mouse for all this sort of stuff so never think to add command keys for them.
Probably due to the trauma you experienced as a child playing with mice, when you should have been out playing with kangaroos
Just teasing, Peter. KM is one of the best apps I have ever used.
I wonder about that, every time I must reach for the mouse in KM Editor.
Please do.
If you create a "Pro" level of KM, with features like that, I'll pay extra.