Since upgrading I've been unable to use my only (but beloved) macro, nor any other, and as I've run through all the possible reasons I find I'm now stuck. Settings are fine, including both the app and engine granted permissions.
The most telling symptom is that, even though the macro is Enabled, it fails to appear in the Enabled Folder, as in this screenshot. If it matters I also seem to be missing an "Keyboard Maestro Enable Overrides" which I recall was important when I came for help with an earlier version. Also I can't seem to find a menu item for either log so I might work the minor things out myself. Thanks for your kind reading.
I'm not sure, but it's important to reboot after changing the settings/permissions. When did you last reboot?
You may also find it helpful if you provide the macOS version number and KM version number.
The menu item for both log files is "Help / Open Logs Folder." Or are you talking about something else? Yes, you definitely should check the log files and tell us whether the macro is getting triggered according to the logs.
It isn't just the macro that needs to be enabled -- the Macro Group containing the macro must be enabled too.
@Tom's original macro would have been imported into the "__PLAYGROUND" Macro Group, which is disabled. So check in that Group and, if this macro is in it, either enable the Group or move the macro to a Group that is enabled, such as "Global Macro Group".
Indeed I've not rebooted the Mac, only the app. I'll shutdown for the night and check first thing tomorrow. You're also right about the logs being in the Help, anyway. I looked several times and managed to miss it. Thanks again. More tomorrow!
My apologies for disappearing after your very insightful suggestions. We had a family crisis involving an unplanned procedure and long days at hospital. All is well now and I'm able to sit with computer and respond at last. I'll understand if no one wants to respond for awhile. ; )
After employing these and trying again I get this from the log:
Execute a Shell Script failed with script error: text-script: line 1: MP4Box: command not found. Macro “Join Selected Files with MP4Box v2.00” cancelled (while executing Execute Shell Script).
It's KM 11.0.3 on MacOS 15.2. The macro is now firmly in the enabled category thanks to Nige's tip.
I'm not the sharpest guy on this website, but that error message generally means that the problem is that you didn't specify the path of the MP4Box application in your shell script. It's fair to say that you need to fix that. If there are other problems after fixing that, we can address them later.
I don't have that app so I can't test it, but when you installed that app it probably told you which folder the app was installed in, and you may be able to fix your problem simply by adding the path name immediately before the string "MP4Box" in your action. Did you accept the default path when you installed it, or did you install it in a different location?
If you don't know where you installed it, you may be able to find the location by opening a Terminal window and executing this command:
which MP4Box
According to ChatGPT, the most common folders for that app to be stored in are:
So one of those paths may be the string you need to enter near the beginning of your shell script action (just before the string "MP4Box")
It would probably help if you uploaded your entire macro, as the variable names in the above action don't seem to match the ones in your screenshot.
First that was a perfect diagnosis Airy, for Mbox is now a part of GPAC, and the path seems to be more complicated than my boomer brain can discern. Still, I loaded clipboard with both your suggestions along with "/Applications/" to give it the ol' college try. After staring at the script for ages, though, I have to admit defeat there most of all for I can't find incidences of "box" within the script. I know they're there, but this being far from my area of expertise I'm quite lost.
I'm fine with it for myself, as I use only one macro and it's not AS mission critical as it once was. Where I lament a little is in failing the generosity of you kind folks. Honestly every time I've revisited this forum that lovely unchanging letterhead has warmed my cockles.