Enabling macros only on a specific machine

Hi all. Long time KBM user, first time poster.

I recently got much deeper into using KBM, and some of the macros I have written recently are very specific to a particular machine, to the extent that I absolutely do not want them executing on a different one. Some of them have cron-style triggers, so they can be triggered even if I don't do anything explicit.

The obvious approach to that was to put the macros in a group for that machine, and disable the group on other machines. That works fine unless I set up another machine: I have to remember to disable that group on the new Mac, and I have a terrible memory. This seems like a less than perfect approach.

I was wondering whether there was a way to set up a group so that instead of "Enabled/disabled everywhere" and "Disabled/not disabled on this Mac" I could get the opposite effect: "disabled everywhere but enabled on this Mac". I've searched around a bit and haven't seen anything that would do this, short of just putting in an "If/Then/Else" action abandoning the macro if the %MacName% token didn't match.


MacOS 10.14.6, KBM 9.0.2 for reference.

this has been discussed a lot, see:

solution: none yet but the last post above does give you options.

Thanks, @janov. I'm a bit embarrassed that I couldn't find any of those myself, particularly the one that is just a couple of days old.

For now, I'll just guard the critical macros with %MacName% or %MacUUID%.

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