Error: Flash popup window

-rob just solved my problem with the keyboard c.
I have another problem that seems to be somehow related.

Before when I started having the c key problem before I reloaded my system, I had a window popping up in the background whenever I pressed the lower case c key. Now, that window is still popping in a flash. It stops my keyboard from working if I am typing. Sometimes I am just clicking or moving the cursor and the same window appears. It says something about allow or decline network connection. It is a flash view of the window, so I cannot clearly see it.

It seems a bit foolish to attribute all problems to KM, but since it occurred first with the keyboard problem that -rob solved, I am taking a chance and asking.

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Use the Interactive Help (in the Help menu), Something unexpected is happening, to see if a macro is being triggered.

Thank you. I did not know that the help section is actually helpful. In most applications, it is not.
The problem was probably not KM and the help section helped me to sort that out.
Thank you.

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In Keyboard Maestro, the Help menu contains a lot of useful things, including the ability to search all the reference documentation and take you straight to the wiki.

Also, holding the Option key down while selecting many menus (including menu popup menus like New Trigger) will offer Help on that entry.

OHHH That is so exciting. I am so lost so often with so many applications. Not just KM. I will remember that option key help. Thank you.

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