Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments

Since a KM native action doesn't exist, I created this plugin that executes Haskell code with parameters. This is currently in experimental phase. I hope this gets natively implemented someday.


Gabriel @unlocked2412

Version 0.01

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (9.8 KB)


Haskell downloads:

(runhaskell program should be at: /usr/local/bin/runhaskell)

The script should have an interact' :: (String -> String) -> IO () function to accept those arguments.

I used some of the wonderful functions in the prelude-jxa library by Rob Trew. Could be found here: https://github.com/RobTrew/prelude-jxa

The plugin currently writes a temporary .hs file.

A Haskell playground could be found here (below Try it):



This example uses the modified interact' function.
Retrieving the second item of a KM Array:

This new version doesn't error if Arg has parenthesis (due to shell interpretation of parenthesis).

Version 0.02

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (9.7 KB)


1 Like

Version 0.04

  • changed icon and minor edits.

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (11.8 KB)

Note: Haskell platform must be installed in the machine.

Version 0.05

  • Added a parameter Path to the Plug-in where the user can place the location of runhaskell executable.
  • If that parameter is left blank, the Plug-in will test common locations where the executable could be found.


Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (10.4 KB)

Note: Haskell platform must be installed in the machine.

Version 0.1

  • Added a parameter ghc_arg where the user can place dependencies (packages).

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (11.2 KB)

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You seem to have a readme.md from one of my old plugins in there (Join a KM Array with a delimiter) :slight_smile:

Perhaps worth replacing with one which references this plugin ?

My apologies !

Just updated.

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Version 0.2

  • Updated documentation and changed field names.

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (11.2 KB)

Version 0.5

  • The internals of the plug-in have been modified. Now, a shell script is used.

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (9.8 KB)

Version 0.7

  • The shell script doesn't create an intermediate temporary file. Now, directly executes the Haskell script with supplied argument.

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (10.4 KB)

Version 0.8

  • Added ignore results.

Execute a Haskell Script with Arguments.zip (8.6 KB)

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