Execute Macro inheriting %Executing Macro Group% and %Executing Macro%

Is there a way to get the non-inherited values for a macro’s %Executing Macro Group% and %Executing Macro%?

Macro: Happy Fun Day
Log ‘I’m going to have a Happy Fun Day (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’
Execute Macro ‘Get Balloons’
Execute Macro ‘Buy Party Favors’

Macro: Get Balloons:
Log ‘I will Get Balloons (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’

Macro: Buy Party Favors:
Log ‘I need to Buy Party Favors (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’

Executing ‘Happy Fun Day’, logs:
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I’m going to have a Happy Fun Day (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I will Get Balloons (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I need to Buy Party Favors (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)

Is there a way for ‘Buy Party Favors’ to find it’s name as ‘Buy Party Favors’, without having to hardcode the value?


Not currently, no.

My assumption was that you can easily enough hard code the name of the current macro, it is knowing the name of the macro that actually started the process that you can’t work out for yourself.

Is this a common problem you need resolved? What is your use case? Obviously, I could add some sort of %ThisExecutingMacro% token to give the desired result, but I’m not sure there is sufficient need for this…?

As one example, I reuse this bit after each PauseUntil.

It's included in several small macros, that are then called by larger, more complex macros.