Is there a way to get the non-inherited values for a macro’s %Executing Macro Group% and %Executing Macro%?
Macro: Happy Fun Day
Log ‘I’m going to have a Happy Fun Day (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’
Execute Macro ‘Get Balloons’
Execute Macro ‘Buy Party Favors’
Macro: Get Balloons:
Log ‘I will Get Balloons (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’
Macro: Buy Party Favors:
Log ‘I need to Buy Party Favors (%ExecutingMacroGroup% / %ExecutingMacro%)’
Executing ‘Happy Fun Day’, logs:
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I’m going to have a Happy Fun Day (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I will Get Balloons (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)
2014-12-01 13:25:21 Log: I need to Buy Party Favors (Test Group / Happy Fun Day)
Is there a way for ‘Buy Party Favors’ to find it’s name as ‘Buy Party Favors’, without having to hardcode the value?