Failure to open up applications

Thanks to you people, I made several macros without a problem.

I am trying to set up for audio recording. I need to open two of what I think of as applications. But maybe they are not. I get this message:

The document "" could not be opened.
The document Sound Sipho cannot be open files in the application format.

(I am not opening Safari, so that first message is strange. Sound Siphon is a weird program that uses functions in Quick time to make system audio recordings. It has no way to stop the recording process, so I I could do that with a macro, that would be excellent.)

I am trying to open an application, so there must be another macro that I should be using. Or maybe it would be smarter to try to use Automator and then, embed that. ( Not that I have ever succeeded in using Automator. At this point, I am believing that anything is possible with a little help. :)))

Here is what I set up that does nothing.


Oh my. Sound Siphon came on. It just took a long time. It needs to start up Safari which I can do. Don’t answer me yet. I will see what I can do.