Feature Request: Add Macro to KM Editor Context Menu

@peternlewis I know this is a long shot, but it would be awesome if we could add macros to various KM Editor Context Menus.

I imagine it working like this:

  • New trigger: Editor Context Menu Trigger
  • Pick list for available context menus (whatever you decide to include)
  • possibly an option for an item must be selected, or something like that, but certainly not a must-have.

When the macro gets fired, %TriggerValue% would contain the selected item, i.e MacroUUID, or ActionId. Whatever makes sense.



Sorry, whilst I will support Dan based on his track record, but I do not understand what is being asked for here.

I'll give an actual example:

I want to right-click on a macro, and have a menu item that says "Edit this Macro as JSON", which runs a macro that receives the Macro UUID, and through some sort of magic, it opens BBEdit with the macro's XML converted to JSON.

Replace the above example with anything that might do something with a macro, including but not limited to:

"Find Macros that use this Macro"

Or when right-clicking on an action, have a context menu item "Go to Declaration", which only works on "Execute Subroutine" and "Execute Macro" actions, which is OK because the macro would just display a message if the action wasn't one it understands.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

It does seem pretty niche.

So it would be a mechanism to pass the macro to another macro—a kind of metaprogramming?


It is intriguing but I suspect this is a hard sell without some strong examples of more general use cases.

Peter is used to my esoteric requests. And since he's way smarter than I am, he almost always understands what I'm asking for, and what uses it might have. As always, it's his prerogative to order his "wish list" however he wishes (see what I did there?), which may include the proverbial bit-bucket.

Also, see the start of this post:

I know this is a long shot



Quite so, and my far less informed take on such matters is not going to have any bearing on Peter's decision. However, since your feature request is in the forum, rather than being in an email just for Peter's eyes, this is what happens. :laughing:


I don't dislike the idea, but I'm not sure it'll ever bubble to the top of the list. Plus it's an additional trigger and it's hard to see more than a handful (ok, probably you) using it, so it's going to be a difficult sell.


LOL, called it. But if I used it and demonstrated its usefulness, I'm sure at least... 1 other people would find it useful. :rofl:

Thanks anyway. :slight_smile:


You wouldn't listen!! :rofl:

I listened. I just ignored you. :stuck_out_tongue:


I'll have to pop out and buy some more ointment for my Cassandra complex now.