[Feature Request] Add MIDI CC message

181012-1639- OK, I did some serious work in the MIDI triggers today - so grateful for this functionality. Extending beyond notes and CC (wow so many options!) to raw packets which are exciting but into the realm of Hex-MIDI hacking. A great companion to this module is: snoize: MIDI Monitor - a classic and required utility.

I couldn't get Program Changes going using raw packets - or, I should say I could get them going with the packet filters wide open but not with refining (I found that other CC triggers would understandably also be fired if packet trigger filters were wide open). I thought PC were just CC 00. Using packets, my understanding was a program change to 001 would just be a packet of "00 00". With enough research I'll figure this out.

I created a kit of foot controller triggers - I added it here: