Feature Request: Macro Group Menu Bar Sub-Menu Action

I know you can use macros to launch palettes, but I really like the functionality of the menu bar implementation for the Macro Group "Display in menu bar" feature.

It's much cleaner and they appear more predictably than palettes as far as location or which display is concerned.

My suggestion merely expands upon the macro group menu bar slightly and creates a new "Macro Group Menu Bar Sub-Menu Action" which would allow you to essentially populate however many "Execute a macro" type actions and each of those would appear as a sub menu.

You could then make any of those macros contain this action to nest even further. Does this make sense? Is there a reason this wouldn't be a good idea? It doesn't seem like it would be insanely difficult to implement?


The menu lists macros, and this would mean looking in to the macro to look at actions within it. What would it mean if you had this action in the middle of other actions?

I cant immediately see how this would work in a reasonable manner I'm afraid.

Yes I see what you mean. Maybe if the action were included it could have a :warning: come up and say this action is a special case and will ignore all other actions in the macro?

Maybe my exact implementation would not be ideal, but perhaps there would be another way to include such functionality. If there isn't a feasible way I understand that too. Just putting the suggestion out there :slight_smile: :slightly_smiling_face: