Feature Request: Nested Folders For Macro Groups (Macro Group Management)

Too many to alpha-sort got it. My first thought is to find a way not to need so many groups, and I don't know what you're doing, so can't think about it.

Last thought, have you played with exporting macros as 'Trigger Files'? They can be sorted into Finder folders and organized within the Finder's filing structure using folder hierarchies and/or tags.


I only recently discovered "Trigger Files", and I think they're awesome. Not that I'm using a lot of them, but the concept is pretty cool.


I have a few in my Finder Window Toolbar for sorting by name or date modified and another that calls up the file nav window for the currently selected file. Pretty handy! It'd be nice if all app window toolbars were so accommodating.

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Came here to say that looking at the comments on this topic, it doesn't seem like a "minority", Peter. I don't know how you would know that without asking all users to vote for a feature. This seems like a very obvious feature that probably most users would use.
There's a reason why we have Finder with multiple folders with sub folders, with sub sub folders, etc. It's part of our daily workflow.
I'm one of those people who would love that KM would allow this.

Regarding what some people mentioned about the issue of importing other people's macros, I see the folders and sub folders feature more like a local thing. So even if my macro is inside a sub sub sub folder, that macro itself is always referring to the parent folder, aka Macros Group, so this wouldn't affect other users who import that macro.
It's just a visual thing, nothing else.

Just my 2 cents...


Unfortunately what I get from this topic (and some others) is that sometimes some decisions are not based on users, but on the developer's assumptions of what the users might use or not use. That to me is not the best approach, but, who am I, right?

It amazes me sometimes that we as users have requests that seems very basic in terms of what we expect an app to be (this doesn't only apply to KM, of course), but sometimes those requests are ignored. The reason why that happens, is beyond me.

In this particular case, no one is asking KM to make a pizza (which would be equally awesome!). We are asking for something that most apps have (and for a GOOD reason).
Todoist has project, sub projects, etc
Notes app on Mac has folders, sub folders, etc.
Hazel can group folders/paths into folders/groups
Photoshop can group layers into folders/groups.
I can be here all day.

So when we are told that having folders would only satisfy a "minority", I don't really know where that idea comes from. And to be honest, it makes me "sad" that this approach is visible in other areas of the app, which I already publicly mentioned, but I keep getting the same reply: "This is how it works, because XYZ reason".
Just because something works "this" way, doesn't mean it can't be improved, otherwise we would never evolve.

Don't get me wrong, I love KM and this community. This app has saved me so much time and work.
I'm just expressing my "disappointment" for feeling that sometimes certain things that clearly make no sense, are ignored, "just because"...

I understand that super particular requests can't be fulfilled. I get that.
Having the ability to group macros into folders, I am sorry, but it's definitely not that "particular". It's not a hyper priority? I get that. Saying that "I will most likely not implement that", sounds a bit "rude" to me, when it's clearly a beneficial feature.

Again, just my 2 cents...

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OK - That's enough. Can an Admin please close this thread? It is NOT productive and it has elevated into unnecessary areas.

Thank you.

Iā€™m closing this thread for the moment.

@peternlewis or one of the mods can reopen it if they wish.