I have a new app that I am enjoying using called Freeter. It’s great for setting up a project in one place. Not as complex as a project manager but more for just putting all the pieces of a project in one place so that I can focus on them. If you want to see more about it, go here, and here
What I cannot do yet is trigger a KM macro from within Freeter. It will allow me to launch a file but as far as I know there is no way to launch a KM macro as a saved file. AppleScript yes, KM, no.
Is there a way to do this using KM? I suppose I could save an AppleScript that triggered a macro key and link to that. But in KM, is there anyway to do this? Thinking not, but thought it would be good to ask just in case.
I also just discovered - sorry I missed it, that I can export a macro as a trigger file which doesn’t seem to work on a macro that launches and resizes two finder windows, but does work on a macro to launch a regular use app and move it to the correct size and correct screen.
Hmmm … not sure what happened, but it seems to be working now. Not sure why or if the file would do you any good. Ghost in the machine I guess. Works OK now.
My guess would be a timing issue, opening the file will being the Keyboard Maestro Engine to the front, then it will reset it back to the previous application, but if your macro immediately expects to still be in the original application, it’s possible that the initial action(s) might be applied to the engine instead of the target application. Add a short pause to the start of the macro.
I was not aware of that, thanks. Now I have three ways of doing this, the URL method you just described, Using a terminal command line, and the easiest route that I took, export the macro as a trigger then use Freeter to open a file pointed to that macro trigger file.