Fill clipboard with numbers starting from 1 to?

I use this macro to create a list of numbers.
In my work as a graphic designer it is handy when making calendars, and I need the dates to paste in to a row.

Link to macro: Fill clipboard

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You can do this without the file, using a variable instead, something like this (some details omitted)

Set Variable Contents to ""
   Set Variable Contents to "%Variable%Contents%%Variable%Counter%↩"
Trim White Space Variable Contents
Set Clipboard to Text: "%Variable%Contents%" (or Insert Text by Pasting if you like).

Thanks Jimmy, this will be useful.

Awesome, thanks for sharing this. I have similar macro for numbers in sequence, but this one is faster.

However, is there a way to get a period after each number?

To add a period after the number should be easy.
In the Append action just add the period after the variable Counter.

Okay, great. I tried that before posting my question, and it didn’t work correctly. But after trying again, it works okay. Maybe the clipboard got wacky the first time.

Anyway, great macro. Thanks again for posting it.

Thanks, I will give this a try…