Finder Crashes in High Sierra after KM Macro with Keypress

I have a Macro where I press the FN key that activates a macro group that enables any press of the keypad to open a specific finder window. after 500ms it disable the group.

In the full release of High Sierra, this occasionally works, but after the keypad press I find that finder crashes. and I have to relaunch Finder.

Can you post the macro, please?

If the Finder crashes, you should report it to Apple - Keyboard Maestro should be unable to crash the Finder.

Its not the mentioned macro, but in actual fact I think its the applescript that KM activates, this is done from when a file is placed in folder.

The script runs fine on its own, so haven't been able to pin point it.

Does this have anything to do with launchd/ launch agents? Only thats possibly where my errors are coming from.



Try running the command from the Terminal:

osascript “/Volumes/….scpt”

That should run the script in a similar way to the way Keyboard Maestro runs it. See if that has different or the same behaviour.