%FinderSelection% slows down typing (again)

A while ago there was an action that was slowing down the typing when a certain token was being used (don't remember if it was the %FinderSelection% token as well, and if it was this same Get Attribute action)


but I tried with the Set Attribute action and I get the same thing. Trying to type something gets super slow, for example if I want to change the variable's name. The only way to work around this is to remove the last % (so %FinderSelection) and when I'm done typing, adding it back again.

@peternlewis are you aware of this?
I have KM Version 11.0.2

%FrontDocumentPath% is doing the same thing.
I'm sure that other tokens similar to these ones will do the same thing

Trying with Keyboard Maestro 11.0.2 and performance is fine for me.

My guess is that the system or the Finder is having some sort of inter-processing communication issue.

I'd try restarting to see if it resolve it.

Otherwise, I don't really know, tokens are synchronous, and ones that act via AppleScript are somewhat at the mercy of the system’s AppleScript performance.