Forum Cheat Sheet (How to Use This Forum)

Here is the best simple, but effective, set of instructions for using this forum (a Discourse forum) that I have seen:

[link target Discourse Cheat Sheet has been deleted]
http : // tidbits . io/t/discourse-cheat-sheet/33/1


Very valuable.
Thank you, @JMichaelTX for finding that post and putting a link here.

(And I’ve just clicked the bookmark icon for your post. :grinning: )

Reminds me, yet again, how rare is attitude of helpfulness on this forum, compared to most all other Internet forums.

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Shortcuts on Discourse (this forum software) pop up with Shift+?

⇧ ?

brings up:



###How to Use the Shortcuts for Post Actions

Before you can use some of the Post Action shortcuts, you must first select the post using the J or K keys.

The selected post is identified by a red bar on the left side of the post, like this: