Found Images Suddenly Broken in Google Chrome

okay, your area trick is working great; I just have to install it in about eight places.

@peternlewis I'm not convinced this is all on Chrome; if KM can find and manipulate and move a Chrome window based on either its title (Hangouts) or position (front), and then fail only on Click On Found Image (Front, Hangouts), but can Click On Found Image by [area, screen ID, main screen, all screens], then why are we blaming Chrome? KM clearly knows Chrome Windows by title or position or index (always returns true) for every action other than Click on Image (by title…); wouldn't that suggest it is KM failing inside that particular action?

Capturing a window is not the same as capturing the area of the window. The obvious difference is the shadow.

I had a closer look and basically the issue is that the Accessibility name for the window does not appear to match the CG window name. For example, for, the accessibility name is:

Stairways Software: Stairways Software: Excellence In Software – Only with a Mac - Google Chrome

but the CG window name is:

Stairways Software: Stairways Software: Excellence In Software – Only with a Mac

so basically the “ - Google Chrome” is only included in the accessibility name. I don't even really know how they manage this since it should be the same.

Since there is no direct way to find the window except by matching the name and position and size of the accessibility window information to the CG window list, having different names results means the window cannot be found.

Why or how they have managed to get the CG window information and accessibility window information out of sync I have no idea.

I think I understand your response; but I just want to clarify that KM can identify the same window(s) to successfully move, resize, minimize, etc., based on position (front) or title; so it still seems very odd to me that KM fails to identify that same window in the same macro one action later if finding an image within said window is the action.

And I, out of habit with automation quirks, rarely use exact title parameters, if it's not absolutely necessary; I always use 'contains' or 'begins with'; so, in my case, the window I'm after always begins or at least contains 'Google Hangouts', but indeed changes based on whatever account might be logged in; thus my macro is portable to other users.

KM first looks for that window, and brings it to front; if it's not there, it uses a subroutine/macro to open; it then moves it and sizes it to a specific location, then it either conditionally begins or takes a phone call, based on image conditions. So KM has no problem finding the window by name and position in the first place, but borks on images using identical identifiers. I'm not exactly certain how the CG/Accessibility explanation fits this scenario, given you are using title as example, but I'll trust you that it's Google's fault, since it worked prior to Chrome; hopefully whatever they broke will get fixed, else I hope other users getting nailed by this and spending far too much time troubleshooting the completely baffling problem and useless error messages (given the above stated success with other actions) find this thread.

I'm super grateful for @ccstone 's solution/workaround to the problem, which is a feature of that action I've never explored or needed before. I try to avoid image-based actions whenever possible, even if more work is required, but that may ultimately be both faster and more reliable due to changes in artwork.

Love this forum; love the heroes in it. Cheers. -- F

Because the system has two different window lists accessible to Keyboard Maestro - one via Accessibility, and the window manager window list which is the one that allows window image capture. The accessibility one is fine, but the window manager list has a different title. And there is no correspondence between the two lists (no way to go from an accessibility window to the window manager window list entry). So Keyboard Maestro searches based on matching size and title. But somehow Chrome has managed a different title in the window manager list. Hence there is no matching window.

I trust that is clear?

Sure, this is very sensible, but it works only because you know that there will only be one matching window that contains the substring. Keyboard Maestro doesn't know what part of the window title is important or what sort of match is “good enough” - and it doesn't normally have to because the window titles should always match exactly. Honestly I don't even know how Google Chrome managed to get them different.

I think so, kinda; you're telling me that even though both title classes should be the same, one is clearly different; apparently in my case, the phrase 'Google Hangouts' isn't appearing in the CG list; and for Found Image, you cannot use only position/ID? That's where I'm getting lost, because position (front) and index ID are both a singular option in that action. I'm just not entirely grokking why, if you have position, you must also have title (partial or exact) and size (I kinda can guess on size since you need to know what area to scan).

Ultimately, it doesn't matter; it's broken and I've reported what little I could to Google; I hope you and others who actually know what is really going on have given them better information.

I apologize if I'm seemingly very dense; I'm in a lot of pain this week and not everything is getting through.

Further, and I should have explained more, but it didn't seem relevant, I have if statements in front of the Hangouts macros that account for the idea that more than one window/tab with that phrase in the title at the beginning or otherwise might exist. It's not possible for the Hangouts Chrome app to have more than one window open, so that much is never a concern, and any other windows that match partial title can quickly be checked for a unique (missing) element and dismissed until it finds the correct target.


This should be worked around for the next version of Keyboard Maestro (or resolved anytime the lunatics who caused Google Chrome to add “ - Google Chrome” to the end of every window’s accessibility title revert their ridiculous change).


What version is it fixed in? I am still seeing it with KM 8.2.4 and Chrome 74.0.3729.157.

It's not fixed just yet; it'll be in version 9.0, which will be released whenever Peter deems it ready (hopefully sometime soon :crossed_fingers:)

The “next” version.

Version releases can be tracked at:

Anything after 6 August 2018 referring to “next version” will be 9.0, when it is released.

And presumably Chrome has not fixed the issue yet either, and probably will not.

Thanks, Peter! I wouldn't have thought to look there for KM's release history, so that's good to have as a reference. As for Chrome, I can confirm that Google has indeed not fixed the issue yet, and I agree that at this point, it's probably safe to assume that they may never do so.

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Just wanted to chime in that this fix still works. I had working macros that searched the "front window" for an image (front window being Google Chrome) and it was working perfectly fine for months. All of a sudden, stopped working. Verified that it was detecting the correct window as the "front window", about went crazy trying to figure this out.

Then, set the "frontWindow" variable to %WindowFrame%1%, and searched for the image in "area" related to frontWindow[1], [2], [3], and [4] and works like a charm. Didn't read enough into the thread to see where the fault lies, but just wanted to share that this is still a viable solution.
