I am very new to KM so I will apologize if this seems like a trivial question.
The problem I am trying to solve is taking 4-6 names of people(currently using a csv but if that is what's making this hard, I can use a different input method) and creating the maximum number of groups possible with a minimum of two in a group. Below is the example with 4 people.
I would like to store the first group into variables(in this case only two variables would have data), then perform some automation based on those two names, which I don't need help with, then clear all variables and store the next group until I have made it though all of the possible groups.
I have attempted to find a solution on the forums, but believe I may have so little understanding of how JSON works to make any progress on my own. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Basically, it iterates through the numbers from 1 to 2^Count-1 to get all the possible bit patterns. With each bit pattern, it clears out the variables and sets the variables to the value for any “1” bits. Then if there are at least two variables included, it does stuff - in this case it just logs all the variables.
Note that if you might use variables beyond the list count (eg variable Name5 for the example case), you'll need to clear them out to before starting this process.