Go To Executed Macro [Updated 2021-01-13]

It's not in the contextual menu, but it is in the macro chooser menu.


@peternlewis – I still think “Select Macro” should be “Go To Macro”.

People have regularly missed out on this feature for years, because they think “Select Macro” means select the macro to execute...

I made that mistake myself back in the day and only discovered the actual function by selecting “Select Macro” and getting surprised by the Keyboard Maestro Editor going to the macro.


I completely agree. I had no idea that's what that menu item did.


I've made this change for the next version.

I also changed the View menu items to Go to Macro ➤, and Go to Last Aborted Action.


If you want that, just write a macro that activates KM, and uses the menu item "View>Go to Macro>Last Edited". Or am I missing something?

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LOL, I just did that..... not awake yet.... more coffee....

I saw you deleted your post, and I knew exactly what happened, having done it myself. LOL!

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