Having specific app windows on specific Spaces in a multiple monitor system

Hi folks. I've got a three monitor setup for music work, and I've been using Spaces pretty extensively to manage the number of open windows I like to have. I have three Spaces set up on each monitor (maybe a little bit of overkill, but it works for me), and always have the same applications open and like to have certain windows for each on certain Spaces. It goes like this:

Center Monitor:

Space 1 - Audio mixing software

Space 2 - Main DAW window

Space 3 - Mail

Left Monitor:

Space 4 - Audio plugin hosting

Space 5 - DAW additional windows

Space 6 - project documentation

Top Monitor:

Space 7 - DAW movie window

Space 8 - Safari

Space 9 - additional Finder

A little much, but it's how I like to work. The problem is that when I switch between project files in my DAW, if I'm not diligent with making sure that everything is on the right window before opening up the next project, I have to manually drag everything to the correct spot.

I know that there's the option to right click on the app in the Dock and assign it to a specific desktop, but I haven't found if there's also a way to attach specific windows to a specific Space on that desktop.

Any suggestions? It's one of those small things that'd save me a little bit of aggravation several times a day, and it seems like something that Keyboard Maestro might be able to fix.

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