Help With URL Not Showing

But I see what you mean in your screencast. So, probably we have different problems :wink:

This is really frustrating. :frowning: Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. I don’t know why. I doubt it is because KM is not well functioning, I guess my logic is wrong or something.

LOL, I tried it 4 times in a row, with different selections, and it worked four times. Strange.

With this search string from your macro:

I tried it even with a different default browser, but it still works.

Can you post your macro please. Perhaps I have something off in mine and you are right.

search google for selected text [mod].kmmacros (20.5 KB)

It works with single words, only containing ASCII chars (add a Clipboard Encode filter to make it work with all).

I will try it now. But I am now leaning towards a more home grown vim solution to this :

As KM has been really frustrating and confusing to work with :frowning:

Here with filter, still working:

search google for selected text [mod, with filter].kmmacros (21.0 KB)

Yeah, but it would be nice to find out why it works here but not for you…

Are you using the current KM version? (7.2.1)

Yeah, the latest.

Well, since Safari doesn’t open at all (in your first screencast), maybe something spooky with your LaunchServices database?

Did you try to change the URL action to “with Default Application” or “with Firefox”, instead of “with Safari”?

If you are copying to the clipboard by typing “y” into vim, then my guess would be a timing issue, that the macro is firing before the clipboard is changing.

  • Set variable Clipboard Seed to calculation CLIPBOARDSEED()
  • Type “Y”
  • Pause Until calculation Clipboard Seed != CLIPBOARDSEED()
  • Filter Clipboard
  • Open URL

But then Safari should open with the old clipboard in the URL, no?

One would presume, but I don't have any idea what vim is going or what is going on on the Mac in question.

If the Open URL fails, it will report the failure in the Engine.log file.

Hey Nikita,

What clipboard manager are you using?


I am using Paste (

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