Hide disabled macros in groups

Greyed disabled macros clutter the group they belong to. With time they accumulate and make it difficult to spot the enabled macro one is looking for.

Please make it possible to hide disabled macros, and not only groups

Thank you

To hide disabled macros while looking for others, enter e: in the Keyboard Maestro search field.


manual:Search Strings [Keyboard Maestro Wiki]

Then, after experimentation with e:, define a Smart Group, with a name which works for you, along the lines of:

( it will display all, and only, enabled macros )

I use a lot of Smart Groups myself, but they have one downside: You lose all the folder organization, which can make it difficult to find what you're looking for. In my case, I'll see multiple copies of many macros, each from a different version of the main macro group.

I've often wanted a simple show/hide disabled macros (and/or groups) toggle in Keyboard Maestro. If not a real setting in the UI, perhaps a command line preference, @peternlewis ?


It wont be a command line preference. It might happen, it might not.

I've noted it down on the wishlist.

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