An alternative way to get the same result is a combination of @JMichaelTX’s 2.0 macro, @johns’s macro and “pause until” action at the beginning of the macro. (you can delete this action it if you prefer to hold both keys.)
Move To Parent Folder.kmmacros (14.1 KB)
The following macro works if the subfolder is expanded in list view.
Move To Parent at Front.kmmacros (13.9 KB)
Update #1: Fixing the copy delay. (Basically rearranged the actions)
Move To Parent.kmmacros (16.1 KB)
Move To Parent at Front.kmmacros (14.0 KB)
I might be only one using Mac’s weird way of pasting items, or moving them, to a parent folder in list view. It was confusing at first, but now I consider it a feature.
Macro trigger option using long press of hot key - JMichaelTX
Move to parent macro - johns