Hot Key not working

I have a macro that uses cmd F12 to trigger a macro. I get the bong sound from the mac. I created a simple macro to just display a text box in a window and it won't work. If I run the macro from the editor it works.

I looked at some of the suggested fixes but no luck.

macOS Ventura 13.5.1 and KBM version 10.2

Make sure the macro group that your test macro is in is also enabled.

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After more testing it seems that if the macro group is a pallett it will not run using the cmdF12 key but if I move the macro to a group where that is not a pallett it works.

I can work with this but wonder why?


You just need to take a look at the Group settings and choose one that fits with how you want the Macros to be active. If you want the Macros to be active even if a Palette is not showing pick one of the "Always activated" options. The one I use most is:

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Thanks that worked.


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