Hotkey Mapping - Beginner

Hi All,

I am very beginner to keyboard maestro. I am trying to port a currently working windows “autohotkey” script which simply maps a ctrl + m to a series of keystrokes, specifically it should first press, ctrl+i, ctrl+o, and then ctrl+m, to a mac machine.

However, I am not yet able to create a macro for ctrl+m, I do not see it as one of the options for hot key in the editor.

Any advise is appreciated.


When you first create a new macro, there is an option at the top that says
"Triggered by any of the following"

Click on the + button next to "New Trigger", and select "Hot Key Trigger"
You will then see a blue box with "Type" in it.
At this point just press CTRL-M, and that will set the trigger for CTRL-M.

To enter the keystrokes that you want, you will need to use the "Type a keystroke" action in the "Text" group.

Hi JMichaeTX,

when typing into the box, it does not change from Type to anything. I don’t think it gets my keystroke

This is indicative of an issue with either Accessibility or Secure Input Mode, both of which should be detected by Keyboard Maestro and reported in the main window with a small yellow warning triangle.

If you are using Keyboard Maestro 10.10.0 - 10.10.2, upgrade to 10.10.3 as those early 10.10 versions had significant problems with the Accessibility preferences.

It seems as if I am running Version 6.4.8, I dont see any versions around 10.10 etc for download. are you referring to OS X version? If so, I am running 10.10.3

Yes, OS version. Good, 10.10.3. Is Keyboard Maestro reporting any issues in the main window (bottom right corner) or in the Keyboard Maestro status menu?