How Can I Create a Series of Minimal App Windows That Only Consist of a Titlebar?

BFAM (Brother from Another Mother)?  :sunglasses:


Thanks Peter (@peternlewis),

I'm running into some strange little glitches with the Custom HTML Prompt windows that suggest to me they are not as stable as I need. I wish I could mark the question Solved, but I did specify in the OP that I needed the windows to be in different Desktop Workspaces. That's where the Custom HTML Prompt (CHP) windows seem to have trouble.

When I create three windows with the above CHP code, they appear in the current Desktop. That's fine. But when I attempt to move one of them to another desktop, the other two CHP windows move with it. I cannot move the different CHP windows to different Desktops. Not critical, but foreboding.

I can create CHP windows in different Desktops by moving to the desired Desktop Workspace first and then creating the CHP window. However, as before, they don't like being moved between Desktops. In this situation, when I move a CHP window to another Desktop that already contains a CHP window, it initially looks OK, but it turns out that all the other CHP windows in other Desktops disappear, leaving only the two that are visible in the destination Desktop (the one created there and the one moved there).

I'm encouraged by being able to create CHP windows on every desktop; I might indeed be able to use them as the DTWSIDs that I desire. And if I hide them under the Status Bar by positioning them at Y=1, there would be no risk of them being accidentally moved and breaking the whole system.

But they also seem fragile. The above behavior has me concerned that if I have a CHP window "permanently" on every desktop, it might interfere with being able to use CHPs in KBM for any other purpose. As I said above about Alt-Tab, it's much too useful a tool to dedicate it to only being able to be used in this system. So I have to test that further.

They sound like Desktop behaviour issues, and unfortunately I can't do anything about how Desktop behaves.

I'm going to treat this thread as having solved my question in the OP. Thanks, Peter!

I need more help making this work in my particular situation, and I'll make those questions into separate forum topics.

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Well, I've removed the "Solved" marker on this thread because HTML Prompts come very close, but fall short of what I need in two key respects:

  • I haven't found a way yet to list all the titles of the HTML Prompt windows
  • and beyond that, I haven't found a way to activate a specific HTML Prompt window by its title.

Without those two functions, HTML Prompts, although esthetically pleasing in many respects, are not going to serve my needs.

The whole point is to have one window in each Desktop Workspace, be able to list those windows, and then activate that window to get the OS to switch Desktop Workspaces.

My current thinking, among many possibilities, is to pick a browser app that I dedicate for this purpose. It could even be an off-line-only HTML viewer since it would never need to download pages.

Any suggestions?

It seems this problem is being worked on in Dan's thread Find a Stray Custom HTML Prompt Across Multiple Desktops?


Yes, and I have it worked out. Check out Find a Stray Custom HTML Prompt Across Multiple Desktops? - #13 by DanThomas. Let me know if you need more information.

Please let me know if I understand that thread correctly. You have to step through every single desktop and look for KBM windows in each desktop. There is no way to generate a list of all open windows, such as can be done with Finder or TextEdit.

How long does that take? Do you have to sit and watch it switch from window to window to window? I am looking for something that can be used as my window switcher, while I am working. (And I am currently trying out using 40 desktops.)

You crazy, man...  :sunglasses:

Keyboard Maestro is not the tool for this job.

People have recommended some other apps to you, and I suggest you look into them.

If you really want to pursue the KM angle then I've mentioned the AppleScriptObjC code that @CJK came up with to query the window manager.

That doesn't get you where you want, but it's a starting point. Take it and run over to the Script Debugger Forum and see if someone there can help.

I expected that 32 would be the max, 16 in each monitor, 31 on the laptop running without an external monitor. When I discovered that I could go past that, I stopped at 40 for experimental purposes (41 in two monitors).

If I can make something that scales to 40, then it should handle 20 easily. Having to physically switch to each and every desktop to find a desktop by name is not practical.

I can put a TextEdit window in each Desktop or a Notes window, or Finder or a lot of things, and I can quickly switch to that Desktop by activating the window by name from an easily accessible list. But I use TextEdit and Notes and Finder a lot.

So I've been expecting that would have to dedicate some unused but minimally functional app to this purpose.

It started to look like KBM's HTML Prompt could do it, but that turns out to have been wishful thinking. It could generate the ideal geometry window, but it can't list all open windows by title. And its not good about windows being moved from Desktop to Desktop. I haven't yet tried building a script that creates an HTML Prompt window on multiple Desktops, but when I create multiple windows on one desktop and try to move one of them to another Desktop, all the other HTML Prompt windows come along with it. That suggests that part of the listing problem is that they are not really separate windows.

I suppose I could build my own app (theoretically, I'm not that app builder, yet) that has no other purpose than to display a title and list all the titles of all windows -- provided that it could also do what TE and Finder and Notes can do, but a lot of apps can't, and that's have each window stay in its original desktop through a reboot. That's the original question in this thread, an app that is only a titlebar where I can list the titles and which hopefully stays on its Desktop when rebooting.

Thanks for the reminder about the Script Debugger Forum. Maybe I should post the question on Ask Different or Stack Exchange too. All the "build your own app" tutorials that I have found don't go near the topics that I need.

And then there's AltTab, Which, and Contexts, mentioned above. AltTab isn't what I need, for reasons described in item #32 above, but the others might get me there, I haven't looked yet.

Again, thanks to everyone for thinking about this.

@gglick @Frankb
Hi Gabe, hi Frank,

Do you have a link for Which? Googling for it, I've been unable to come up with search terms that don't just offer to tell me which apps I have on my Mac.

sure, here is

the other link is in the text from gglick
I do have Witch and Contexts,

Yes you understand correctly. It takes about as long as it takes to manually switch between each window. And you have to have a hotkey for each window. Or, you could just have a hotkey for the first window, and another hotkey to move to the next window.

I don't believe it is what you need. However, if you really want to try it out, I can set it up to work with just the two hotkeys, and post it. Let me know.

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Thanks Dan. I'm inclined to agree with you, even without trying it out. Your tool works for what you need it for, but it's not practical for me to use to generate a menu of Desktop Workspaces to pick from for a desktop switch.

The folks over at AltTab are struggling with a change in OSX 12.2 that breaks the technique they've been using, and one of the ideas they're working on is to put an invisible app in each Desktop Workspace so they can switch Desktops quickly to gather all the windows that are in each Workspace. That's very like where I've been heading, although I don't care if the app is invisible. I can use it to display the name of the current DTWS.

So I'm still experimenting, waiting for the right combination of ideas to gel.

Thanks for the help.


Hey August,

Well – there's a thought...

Create a stay-open AppleScript applet with an idle handler that collects open apps and windows as appropriate into properties.

Then you can query the applet and ask what windows are open with little to no lag time.

As long as the applets all have different names, I think you might well be able to call from anywhere.

You'll have to test to be sure.

If that works you could also have a force-refresh handler, so you're not completely dependent upon the idle-time.


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Thanks Chris,

I really like that concept. However, other stuff you wrote suggests you might be making it harder than I think it needs to be. (And maybe that's my problem, too.)

That sounds like reinventing AltTab or Contexts. In my current thinking and design, I am emphatically NOT interested in listing every open window of every open app. To me, that defeats the point of having multiple Desktop Workspaces (DTWS).

Unfortunately, that is what most of the "Desktop Managers" out there focus on. But listing open windows does not work for me, that's why I put related windows from different apps into separate Desktops. Very often those are the same apps, just open on different files, different folders, different web pages. So systems that support switching from app to app easily are useless as well.

I've seen myself have 80 to 100 windows open, Notes, TextEdit, Finder, Browser with several tabs, Preview, maybe Terminal, and who knows what else for each of a dozen or more different ongoing projects or tasks. Listing all the windows is not helpful. Listing all the apps is not helpful. That's why I put them in separate Desktops.

The challenge for me at the moment is how to I assign a name to each DTWS and then list all the names. CurrentKey Stats, which is my inspiration, uses invisible windows, where the window title is the Desktop name. I'm trying to recreate that so I have something workable and maintainable that works for OSX versions newer than Mojave, now that CKS has been abandoned.

Also, I don't care if the windows are invisible. In fact an unobtrusive window that consists of only a titlebar, that I can position at the top or bottom of the screen, seems like it would be very useful in identifying which Desktop I'm in.

I had hoped, based on Peter's suggestion above, that KBM's HTML Prompt could work, but despite that idea dominating the previous conversation in this thread, it turns out that listing the open KBM HTML Prompt windows in all Desktops is not simple. If other people also have a need for listing open KBM HTML Prompt windows, maybe we can lobby Peter to look into providing that feature.

At this point, I seem to have two options:

  • Write my own app that just makes window titlebars and can list them in AppleScript, which is currently beyond me.
  • Find a lightweight app that is properly behaved enough and that I don't care to use for its intended purpose, e.g. some ASCII text editor, and dedicate that app to providing my DTWS identifiers.

If you see other alternatives than the above, please suggest something.

The first option is what I was trying to ask for in the OP. I haven't always been clear in my explanations of what I'm looking for. I hope I am clearer here. (I'm certainly wordy, not a good sign.)

As for my second option, Stickies would work as a dedicated, lightweight app to put a name on a Desktop, except that when you reboot, all open Stickies windows open the first Desktop, which adds 20 minutes of moving Stickies around to the reboot process, which makes it painful enough to be useless.

However, when you suggested:

that made me think that a background process that kept track of current names and position could provide data to automate moving all the Stickies after a reboot. That seems like a kludgey patch when other apps do the same thing transparently. I'm currently voting for simplicity.

Notes seems like it will work, except that I already use Notes for other purposes, particularly sharing between my laptop and my iPhone and sharing to-do lists, shopping lists, project lists, etc. with my wife. I suppose I could put all the Desktop names in a folder that I otherwise ignore.

I tried using TextEdit, but I also use TextEdit for other purposes. Also, I've run into a problem that with somewhere around 20 TE windows open, on reboot it doesn't transparently put everything on the original desktops, instead it does the same thing as Stickies, reopening all windows on the same Desktop.

So that's where my thinking is at this point. I'm trying to name 40 Desktops to manage 100 open windows. At least be able to do that, so I have some headroom when I'm using 25 Desktops and 40 windows.

Thanks for your help. It does help to have other people at least thinking about the issues.

What you're not understanding (I think) is that the applets on the different desktop will be limited to the desktop they're on (again I think).

You'll have to test.

I reiterate that you're probably better off with a focused use utility for all this, but the applet route may work pretty well if you're determined to roll your own.

You'll have to test though; I have other things to do and am still on Mojave for that matter.

Thanks. That's a new idea: an applet on each desktop that keeps track of the name of the desktop and its position (Desktop Number in Mission Control).

If I could find one, I'd be happy with that. I can define the UX for that utility, but I'm not the guy to build it (yet).

Of course -- I really appreciate all the time and attention you've given to help me stumble my way through this.

I am too. The Catalina installer insists that my hard drive is defective because it's not S.M.A.R.T. enough. So after getting all my incompatible app issues handled (hopefully, we'll see...) I'm stalled on updating to the now unsupported Catalina until I can replace my hard drive. I'm still optimistic that my Mac usage will eventually include a supported OS, at least for a while.

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Clear a variable.

Use the Execute a JavaScript in Custom Prompt action to execute JavaScript in all the windows.

In the JavaScript, add the name and id of the window to the variable.

As for activating the window, I'm not sure how to do that. It's probably possible.

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