Not sure, but I rather think it’s because of the “special” frame work an app is using.
BTW (I mean, just to mention it, since this thread is already LaunchBar-polluted ):
LaunchBar also shows you the recent documents when you hit the Spacebar on a selected app. And, in addition, for not properly document-orientated apps it gives you some extra functionality:
Select an app and press the Spacebar to…
Transmit: list/connect recently connected servers
iTunes: search in iTunes Store
KM: list all active macros alphabetically
EasyFind: type a search
Stickies: make a new Stickies note from the typed text
Mail: make a new message from the typed text
Terminal: execute the typed command in a new window
Calendar: list all calendars > create new event in the selected calendar
Reminders: list all lists > create new entry in the selected list
2Do: create new task with title from typed text
Due: make new reminder from typed text
Contacts: list groups followed by contacts, alphabetically
Dash: search Dash
Day One: make new entry with the typed text
Droplr: share a new Markdown note from the typed text
Evernote: search notes
nvALT: new note from typed text
Twitter: new tweet from the typed text
Unfortunately MS Word & friends are quite dead in LB, too.
OK, you got me excited with this one.
Unfortunately, LB replaces SPACE with %20 in the search: tag:en.mac%20update
which, of course, makes the search fail.
Do you know any way to correct this behavior?
Confirmed. I wonder if it is the framework, or maybe the recent file list is stored in a non-std file/location. Any ideas on how to make this work?
It seems LB is trying to use Evernote’s URL scheme. Because when I search with evernote://search/two%20words the search string also ends up encoded in Evernote’s search bar.
But as far as I know there is no way to have unencoded spaces in an URL.
out of my own suffering, I created a "Better" Evernote Integration for Launchbar. It mitigates the current short comings of the build-in integration like search terms are concatenated with %20 as in URL encoded space, there is no preview of found notes you could select from, and creating new notes does not work with Evernote more recent than version 5.