How display all files in folder with a trigger before each file name

Not sure, but I rather think it’s because of the “special” frame work an app is using.

BTW (I mean, just to mention it, since this thread is already LaunchBar-polluted :wink:):

LaunchBar also shows you the recent documents when you hit the Spacebar on a selected app. And, in addition, for not properly document-orientated apps it gives you some extra functionality:

Select an app and press the Spacebar to…

  • Transmit: list/connect recently connected servers
  • iTunes: search in iTunes Store
  • KM: list all active macros alphabetically
  • EasyFind: type a search
  • Stickies: make a new Stickies note from the typed text
  • Mail: make a new message from the typed text
  • Terminal: execute the typed command in a new window
  • Calendar: list all calendars > create new event in the selected calendar
  • Reminders: list all lists > create new entry in the selected list
  • 2Do: create new task with title from typed text
  • Due: make new reminder from typed text
  • Contacts: list groups followed by contacts, alphabetically
  • Dash: search Dash
  • Day One: make new entry with the typed text
  • Droplr: share a new Markdown note from the typed text
  • Evernote: search notes
  • nvALT: new note from typed text
  • Twitter: new tweet from the typed text
  • etc.

Unfortunately MS Word & friends are quite dead in LB, too.

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Thanks for the info @Tom.

OK, you got me excited with this one.
Unfortunately, LB replaces SPACE with %20 in the search:
which, of course, makes the search fail.

Do you know any way to correct this behavior?

Confirmed. I wonder if it is the framework, or maybe the recent file list is stored in a non-std file/location. Any ideas on how to make this work?

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Seems like a bug to me.

In normal searches a “+” instead of a space works. But not for a literal tag search.

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It seems LB is trying to use Evernote’s URL scheme. Because when I search with evernote://search/two%20words the search string also ends up encoded in Evernote’s search bar.

But as far as I know there is no way to have unencoded spaces in an URL.

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Yep, I can confirm that. Looks like a bug in Evernote to me.
I'll report it.

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Hi @JMichaelTX, have you seen this on the LaunchBar forum:

"Better" Evernote Integration for Launchbar

out of my own suffering, I created a "Better" Evernote Integration for Launchbar. It mitigates the current short comings of the build-in integration like search terms are concatenated with %20 as in URL encoded space, there is no preview of found notes you could select from, and creating new notes does not work with Evernote more recent than version 5.

Thanks Tom. I'll take a look. Sounds promising.

Hi @JMichaelTX,

This is —probably— fixed now with a change to the x-URL handling with LaunchBar 6.9.6 from 30 August. From the release notes:

Spaces in search template arguments are now only encoded with plus ("+") in case of HTTP(S) and x-launchbar URLs.

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