How Do I Create A Macro To Insert A Frequently Used Lengthy Password?

I’m trying to figure out how to use this Keyboard Maestro software, and am not finding it at all easy. There seems to be a big learning curve, which I don’t have time for.

I’m trying to figure out exactly how to quickly create a macro for the sole purpose of inserting a password that I frequently have to enter for a certain program to open and work. Can someone please explain the steps on how to easily do this?

I’m actually finding this program really hard to use. I went to search for tutorial videos on YouTube to make it easier, but found it even more tedious, not to the point, and confusing. If anyone has tutorials to insert a macro for frequently used passwords, please post it here? Thanks.

Have you:

  • Read the Quick Start?
  • Done the Tutorial (select Tutorial from the Help menu in Keyboard Maestro)?

The Quick Start will give you the terminology you need to understand Keyboard Maestro, and the Tutorial runs you through the process of creating a macro.

Then you create a macro using exactly the same process as the tutorial, except instead of an Open File action, you add an Insert Text by Typing action.

Note that it is not recommended to store passwords in Keyboard Maestro, and you can look at the Secure Passwords example in the Keyboard Maestro Macro Library to see how to store the password safely in your keychain, but you’ve now made the macro significantly more complicated, and if you have not mastered the simple macro described above you’ll have trouble with a more complex macro.

As I’ve said, the software is very hard to use. The Quick Start doesn’t explain it very well. Can someone please just post how?

My keychain is not correctly holding passwords. There’s no point on calling Apple, because I’ve been on tech. support calls with Apple for hours over this. It’s an issue with iTunes not storing my password, and I frequently have to enter a lengthy password not to open the program, but to log into iTunes. iTunes for whatever security reasons will never stay logged in. I don’t plan to use this macro for any other passwords, just for iTunes.

All I want to do is know the steps on how to create a macro to insert my password whenever needed. Can someone please list the steps below on how to do this?

The Tutorial explains each step and circles where to click or enter things. Have you tried it? It’s much more explanatory than posting the steps.

Here are the steps from the tutorial:

  • This tutorial shows you how to create a simple macro that opens a folder when you press a key.
  • If necessary, Close the actions category list so you can see your macro groups and macros.
  • Select the Global Macro Group. The macro you will create will be stored in the macro group you select here.
  • Click this + button to create a new macro.
  • Click the green + button to add a new trigger. For this tutorial, select Hot Key Trigger.
  • Press F6 on your Mac keyboard to set it as the hot key. When you are done, pressing F6 will trigger your macro.
  • Click the New Action button.
  • Click the Open category to select the Open actions.
  • Double click the Open a File, Folder or Application action to add it to your macro.
  • Close the actions section so you can see your macro groups and macros.
  • Click this button to select the desired file or folder. For this tutorial, select your home directory.

Except the tutorial will show you where each thing is, so it’s much more informative.

Thanks, but your above steps seem to only show how to use Keyboard Maestro to open a program, not to create a macro to insert a password. The tutorial had too many steps and was far too confusing.

How do I create a macro to insert a password (not to open a program)?

Hey There,

So, you want to jump in a race car and just drive, huh?  :smiley:

The simplest method of doing what you want is something like this:

Generic-Test 01.kmmacros (2.0 KB)

Download the macro, and double-click it to install.

Then change the name to suit, and move it to your iTunes application group.


I’m so sorry, but none of the above made sense. Can you please just post the steps? When you do, pretend that the password is “password11”

Thanks and sorry!

Please don’t take this the wrong way. I wouldn’t be posting here if the steps and instructions were intuitive. I’ve tried at length to comprehend how to use the software, but everything that I’ve read thus far on the topic of Keyboard Maestro’s “Quick Start” and “Tutorials” reads like corporate tax code. I don’t really want to know… If there’s a learning curve on how to use the software, that involves learning a bunch of definitions and terminology on how to use the software, then I think I’ll pass. I could really use something that’s a lot more visual and intuitive, that’s either requiring far less steps, better explanations, or that’s got an interface that’s much easier to figure out. Ideally, someone should be able to use this software without needing to look at taking lengthy steps or viewing tutorials. I unfortunately don’t really have the time or patience to learn what the difference is between “hot keys”, “triggers”, “remote web”, “macro groups”, “trigger displays”, “Clipboard History Switchers”, “launch engines” and so on. That’s why I asked for steps.

Hi Solgar

You will be rewarded in time saved if you do take the time to learn Keyboard Maestro.
Start small and make simple macros.
Then in time you will make more and more complicated and timesaving macros.

For your question the download the macro below.

When you press ctrl+cmd+P, then Keyboard Maestro insert the password by typing.

Keyboard Maestro “Insert Password by Typing” Macro

Insert Password by Typing.kmmacros (1.5 KB)

Hey @solgar,

Download the macro and double-click it.

It now will import directly into an iTunes group.

Change the keyboard shortcut in the macro from F1 to anything that is suitable to you.

Change the “password11” string to your password.

Insert iTunes Password.kmmacros (2.4 KB)

That's pretty clear.

The steps in the macro are:

  1. Set the clipboard to text.
  2. Paste

When the password field in iTunes has focus run the macro with the keyboard shortcut.


Is this now clear?


Please don’t take offense at this, but I don’t feel safe to want to download anything. I just want to know, step by step how to create a macro to insert text (i.e.; my password).

You downloaded and installed Keyboard Maestro...

Nothing is going to be so intuitive it takes NO effort to learn how to use.

You can download the macro – open it in TextEdit – and see it is nothing more than XML.

Then drag & drop it to Keyboard Maestro, so nothing else has the opportunity to run.

Caution on the Internet is a very good idea, but too much paranoia gets in the way.

I'm guessing you won't want to do this though.

Written steps are unlikely to be clear enough for you, so I've made you a vid.

How to make a macro to insert your iTunes password

This vid will only be available for a few hours, so if you want to be able to refer to it you must download it. It's a normal mp4 file.


[Edited 2016/02/08 03:35 CST – the vid link wasn't showing up.]

@solgar go here:

and download ClamXav - it’s an antivirus program.

After you install it CONTROL+CLICK on the any scripts you download from this forum and choose the services menu. Select the item “Scan with ClamXav”. It will scan the file for viruses and malware. Then you can feel safe that you haven’t downloaded anything malicious.

Seems like you just want that password typed for you. Go download Text Expander, TypeIT4me or Typinator and enter the password then type a shortcut keystroke combination and save it. There’s your super easy and fast password shortcut.

Those programs will enter your password for you with just a few keystrokes. For example if I want to type the date, I type “dt.” and I get 02/08/2016 12:52 AM. In your case you might use “pw.” or “itpw” for your keyboard shortcut. If you go with Typinator I will even create the file for you and you can edit the password.

Three people have made an investment of their time the try and help you and no one thinks you’re being difficult or ungrateful. If you type the macro in yourself you’ll likely mistype something and then spend quite a few minutes trying to figure out where the error was in your typing and even then you might not find it until you are able to compare your macro with one of the provided examples. Many who are here just download the files until they get a little braver to try and create their own. Today you, tomorrow me.

If you’ll just follow Peter’s instructions and do the tutorial I think you’ll agree it was worthwhile. It just take a few minutes, not hours, to complete the tutorial.

So there you are. I’ve given you two solutions and you have gotten solutions from several of the best resources in this forum (One of them being the guy who wrote the program). Take a leap of faith. You’ll be glad you did.

Hey John,

ClamXav is no longer free you know. ($29.95 U.S.)

These won't work, because iTunes password field is a secure entry field that disables such utilities.

(You can make Typinator paste via the clipboard – but NOT via a typed trigger – you have to use QuickSearch.)


The app’s tutorial is completely useless to me because there is no action to tell it to create a macro to insert the text that I want it to… All the tutorial wants to do is to show me to do things that I have no use for. To create a macro to insert a line of simple text, it would be ideal for the app to have a much easier approach to doing this, that’s all I’m saying. That’s the whole reason that I paid for the app; to do that one task.

@ CsStone - Very nice of you, but not all software takes this much effort to learn. I’m not saying that the software out there that’s available doesn’t take a little effort (no need to be condescending), but it should be far more intuitive. I’m giving my feedback, you can take it or leave it. To me, it shouldn’t be this complicated to learn how to program a simple macro to insert a line of user-chosen text. You’re right, I’m not ungrateful, and have also invested my money and a great deal of my own time to try and decode the unnecessary technical jargon, and try to understand how to use this complicated software, I’m not a programmer. I did look at the tutorial and still couldn’t understand what exactly to do. I’m not interested in downloading potentially unsafe executable files (thanks anyway), or dragging this or that here or there, and wouldn’t know where anyhow.

All I’ve kept asking throughout this entire thread is for someone to kindly post written steps (for all of us, not just me) on how to create a macro- to insert a frequently used line of text. I don’t want something to open the app, I don’t care to know jargon, download files from strangers, or look at lengthy confusing jargon-filled tutorials that take me in circles. I also don’t care to know what a trigger or a hot key is. I just want the software to be useful to me in some way, without having to do all of the above. Please, anyone- would someone be so kind as to post the steps needed to create a macro that will insert a line of user-specified text?

Example -

Step 1.) Select the “+” sign (at the bottom toolbar of the app’s screen)
Step 2.) Think of a name for your new macro and enter it in the text bar space provided
Step 3.) Select the “New Trigger” button
Step 4.) Select …


@ccstone you are incredibly generous.

A couple things to note:

  • Insert Text by Pasting is exactly equivalent to Set Clipboard to Text and Paste. I presume you know that, but I figured I’d point it out in case.
  • If you have a key conflict like you experienced in the video, hold the option key down and click one of the entries and it will edit the macro in question - this is great for quickly finding and then disabling the offending macro.

As I have said all along, the Tutorial runs you through the process of creating a macro and all you need to do is create a macro using exactly the same process as the tutorial, except instead of an Open File action, you add an Insert Text by Typing action.

  • If necessary, Close the actions category list so you can see your macro groups and macros.
  • Select the Global Macro Group. The macro you will create will be stored in the macro group you select here.
  • Click this + button at the bottom of the Macros list to create a new macro.
  • Click the green + button to add a new trigger. Select Hot Key Trigger.
  • Press F6 on your Mac keyboard to set it as the hot key. When you are done, pressing F6 will trigger your macro.
  • Click the New Action button.
  • Click the OpenText category to select the OpenText actions.
  • Double click the Open a File, Folder or ApplicationInsert text by Typing action to add it to your macro.
  • Type in your password.
  • Close the actions section so you can see your macro groups and macros.

These are the exact same steps I posted a dozen messages ago with exactly the same required change to have the macro do what you want it to do.

That’s it. That’s Keyboard Maestro. Everything you need to know to make this macro is in the Tutorial - just use a different action instead of the Open File action.

Chris. I know ClamXav is $29.95. However it gives you a trial period before the request for money kicks in. Or at least it did for me.

Didn’t know that about iTunes and I probably should have tested it before making the recommendation. I was trying to throw a little of everything in my elixir. :wink:


I don’t have an Apple keyboard