I would be grateful for newbie assistance.
This is for someone who is visually impaired that I am trying to help out.
I need to display data from six variables as 'pretty' - (I am very open to suggestions - eg is there a ready made toolkit?) possibly have a main window split into six large areas (all generated by KM) one for each variable. Each with specified text (from variable) with its own color and background color. These would be either very large text or very large numbers in each area. Can someone point me in a direction as I have no idea how to display large text etc...
I have already extracted data from some web pages into six variables - all text strings - using KM (what a great program!)
I would be most grateful for any assistance.
Thanks v much
Not quite clear what you're up to but I work with a visually impaired senior who has macular degeneration. She can't use Bookmarks but surfs a number of sites regularly so I set up a custom home page for her with large, colorful buttons, like this:
If that's something you find useful, you can use a Custom HTML Prompt
in Keyboard Maestro to do the same thing. You can search for CSS buttons
to design your own or I'd be happy to share the CSS code with you.
Hi Mrpasini
That would be great. Although my knowledge of html is minimal and css even less. But it looks very close to what I am looking for. Thanks v much
Appreciate it
In addition to @mrpasini's suggestion, did you know that the Display Text action can show text with any formatting you like?
Here's an example of this:
First, here are the two KM actions that achieve this:
The way you get the formatting is by using TextEdit like this:
When you are satisfied you just copy and past from TextEdit into the KM action!
Obviously, by being creative in TextEdit with the formatting of your variables and the construction of your Display Text action you should be able to achieve all sorts of stuff!
Hi Tiffle
That looks great - I will give it a go later
I just read that again - apologies but I wasn't clear.
'Display text in a window', has an OK button?
I need the window to stay on the screen allowing me to update it dynamically as required without any user interaction ie without pressing the OK button? Or have I misunderstood?
any help greatly appreciated.
You didn’t say anything about a persistent, dynamically updated window originally. The addition of these requirements won’t be satisfied by my suggestion.
my apologies for having wasted your time....
kind regards
No problem
Here's a Keyboard Maestro macro full of buttons that link to Web sites using just the Custom HTML Prompt
Some things to point out:
The CSS that styles the buttons (and animation) is at the top of the code. I've found the animation to be helpful for the visually impaired. And there's some thought behind the color, border, shadow button designs, too.
In addition to text, you can pop images into a button (I use logos for some sites). I didn't include any here because they are separate files.
The banking sites (which are generic links here) interrupt the link with a voice warning about passwords. The JavaScript for that (which contains what's spoken) is in the header, too. I find this pretty helpful for reminders for the visually impaired.
Here's the macro:
Big Buttons.kmmacros (6.5 KB)
I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you for that code. It explained to me what I was doing wrong! - Amazing!
(I love the idea of the voice warning.)
Thanks again
My pleasure. Glad it's helpful.
I should point out that on the Web page the code came from, the voice warning reads an alert box that the Keyboard Maestro implementation of WebKit doesn't display. I don't think it matters to the person using the form but if you start wrestling with the code, you may wonder what's going on with the alert.
Noted - and thanks again!