I have a count_click variable that counts the number of clicks in Google Chrome.
I'd like to get some sort of small display on screen that constantly displays that variable and updates as I click.
It cant take the focus away from Chrome.
I tried @DanThomas new dialog display but I can't make close after less than a second, a second is too long. I'm clicking sort of quickly.
I just need an indication on screen, that I can move if I want, of the count_clicks
I do already display the variable in the Chrome custom menu, displaying the count_click, but I have to look up there everytime to see it.
I'd like to be able to position the window where I want it on screen.
What you need is the Display Progress Bar action, which lets you display one line of text and a progress bar. You can easily display the click number in the "title" of the window. It won't take the focus away from Chrome.
As long as you use a Device Key Trigger for your mouse click, I think you will be fine.
All done in one action! You don't even need to initialize the variable, because I used a cool trick someone else recently uploaded in another post. (The trick is the "0%Calculate%" usage.)
EDIT: In case it isn't obvious, the counter is displayed in the System Menu on the top of the screen.
The reason for "0%" is that without that, you would get an error if the variable wasn't initialized. The KM Engine generates an error if you try to add 1 to an empty string. Thus, the trick. Did you try it?
Yes, it works great, I'll end up using both yours and Dan's for different purposes.
I was already using the menu display variable, stated in the OP.... thanx for your time
just working with that excellent display macro, and yes, I would definitely use it in a number of cases where less than a full second would be the cats meow..... =), this is nothing crucial at all... Thanx Dan - @DanThomas
I should have mentioned you can change "with no icon" to "with custom icon" and then open the Icon Chooser (from the Window Menu, Icon Chooser) and if you know where to look, you can choose a mouse-like icon to replace the default blue folder icon. That helps a bit.