How Do I Get the Position of a Character in a String using KM Actions?

Thanks for the suggestion, Chris.

But I really don't like either of our methods.
It looks like this just can't be done simply in KM Actions.

Of course, your script snippet is exactly what I had in mind:

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine" to set testSel to getvariable "testSel"
set subStringLength to offset of ";" in testSel

So, I gave up on non-script KM Actions, and wrote this script.
It takes the process through the next step of calculating the position of the END of the substring.

  Get Position of End of Substring within Main String

  • Position of End of StringToFind within MainString
  • 0 if StringToFind is NOT Found
VER:   1.0    LAST UPDATE:   2016-12-23

AUTHOR:    @JMichaelTX

  • SCPT__MainString -- string to be searched
  • SCPT__StringToFind -- sub-string to find within SCPT__MainString
  1.  Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.5+
  2.  Keyboard Maestro 7.3+

tell application "Keyboard Maestro Engine"
  set mainStr to getvariable "SCPT__MainString"
  set subStr to getvariable "SCPT__StringToFind"
end tell

if ((mainStr = "") or (subStr = "")) then
  error "ERROR:" & return & ¬
    "These KM Variables must be set and not empty:" & return & "SCPT__MainString" & return & "SCPT__StringToFind"
end if

### For Testing ###
--set mainStr to "1234;6789"
--set subStr to ";"

--- Get Start of StringToFind ---
set posSubStr to offset of subStr in mainStr

if (posSubStr > 0) then
  --- Add Length of StringToFind to Start Position ---
  set posSubStrEnd to posSubStr + (length of subStr) - 1
  set posSubStrEnd to 0
end if

return posSubStrEnd
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