How do I trigger a macro on an app that's not focused?

I have programmed a macro that triggers a keystroke on an app that's running in the background. I have been unsuccessful in making it work unless the app is running in the foreground (it's focused). Is that even possible? Thanks!

@syra - You can perform this easily.

One way: You can make your programmed macro send a keystroke to the specified app using the gear icon that is within the Simulate keystroke action. See below. My example sends a space key to the Podcasts app for play/pause functionality. The macro I show below is in my Global group so it's available wherever I am.

Let us know if this works for you.



@kcwhat it worked!

At first it wouldn't so I thought maybe its the specific program I'm using so I tried it on Google Chrome and it worked. Then when I switched back to the program at hand, somehow it worked! Thanks so much KC.

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