How Do You Use the KM Status Menu?

How are you utilizing Macros in the Status Menu?

Hey, I’ve decided to spend some time in January re-vamping my KM layout. I am pretty happy with most of my current system but always love reading how others organized or map out their macro library.

I have a pretty good handle on many of the ins and outs but have never really looked into adding Macros to the Status Menu. I created a keyboard shortcut to trigger the Menu Icon so those macros can be a few clicks away.

The first thing I do is change this setting to make it display the Hierarchically, so each folder gets one line on the drop-down display.

This is especially handy when working on smaller screens.

I usually use the Status Menu for things that I use only occasionally (and therefore don’t remember what the keyboard shortcut is) but want to be able to easily trigger.

I had not seen that Display Status Menu button before thanks!

I had thought the idea of common macros that don't need their own hot key trigger as a status menu button but than I started adding everything that wasn't hot key triggered.

I have a pretty nice layout as far as groups go so right now they display nicely when I do trigger the menu bar.


I will admit it took me about a year as a power user to learn about the Trigger Macro by name macro and that has been great for non-hot key or more rarely used macros.

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Thank you. This is useful :+1:

I rarely use the status menu. I use this workflow in Alfred, which lets me search and launch macros by name using "fuzzy search" - very handy. If you have Alfred, you might want to give it a try.

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SO I like Alfred, when I first got started with KM i use to trigger macros with

When I started using KM I used that same workflow before I started working deeper in KM. Simple but effective workflow.

I still use the Safari Assistant Workflow but its much less powerful in Big Sur :frowning: . While I can replicate many of its function on my own in KM, I loved how it looked visually.

As I have become more familiar with KM I have started to migrate many of the tasks I would use Alfred for mostly just to have a unified area to track shotcuts and workflows.

I still have a few things I trigger in Alfred but I’ve created macros for them to note their hot key, I do that for organization purposes and also to make it easy to identify duplicate Hotkeys.

Alfred is def one of the best Mac apps out there even tho I find myself using it less than I use to. I do still use ti to launch applications that I don’t have hot key triggers for out of Prue habit.

I wish I could go back and tell myself not to change the Alfred Trigger to CMD+OPT+A because I have used that for so many years I don’t even want to change it.

I use Safari Assistant pretty much just for menu, history, and bookmarks, so it's still of use to me in Big Sur.

I mainly use it when I forget the shortcut or exact name of the macro, but I've found the macros I've put on the status menu are easier to trigger with it as well because I don't have to switch to the mouse.

Muscle memory is weird :slight_smile:

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