It doesn't seem to be working.
Thanks in advance.
Hey Leonardo,
Two things:
A) Have you played with the fuzz-factor?
B) How did you capture the image?
I have had good success with a 15% fuzz factor, and just taking a standard screen shot, then cropping to what I want in Preview, hitting ctrl-c, going to the KM editor and hitting ctrl-v in the little square.
Hey There,
There are significantly more convenient options than taking a full-sized screenshot for this sort of thing.
Pay especial attention to the spacebar in combination with Cmd-Shift-4 while the mouse button is pressed, as this lets you reposition the marquee selection-box if needed.
Holding down the Control-key when taking the screenshot will copy it to the clipboard instead of making a file on the desktop.
Ah, here's a bit more comprehensive guide from
Here's a good video tutorial by Dan Frakes of Macworld.
Tags: @howto, @screencapture, @screenshot
I saved the image to disk and dragged and dropped it in the box. How much precise can it get?
It isn’t clear how this functionality works. I want it to click an image being displayed so I am dragging and dropping the exact image in the box. Maybe I am not understanding how exactly this feature works ?
Thanks in advance.
Actually, I do use cmd-shift-4. My philosophy is to take a little more than I think that I’ll need, and then use the precision and adjustability of cropping in Preview to get exactly what I want for the macro. I guess that I should be a little more complete in what I do in the future.
No matter how the image is saved:
Keyboard maestro doesn’t click the Continue button.
Is it even possible? Maybe this feature is for a different purpose and I am making a mistake? (which I do quite often).
Hey Leonardo,
Precisely how did you save the image to disk? There are several ways that could go wrong.
I recreated your macro using the Amazon add-to-cart button.
Normally I'd use GraphicConverter for fine-tuning the capture, but this time I used Preview to be sure it would work. I simply edited the image, recopied it, and pasted it into the KM action.
I started with the Find-Image-On-Screen action, and it worked the first time with the default fuzz-factor of 15% — then I played with it a bit and got it down to 10%.
I took the same image and used the Click-On-Found-Image action, and again this worked with no problem.
I see the buttons are a bit different on the Kindle purchase page, so I replaced the earlier images with screen-captures of the new buttons. No problem. I did have to up the fuzz-factor to 20% though.
So. If nothing is working for you at any fuzz-factor the first thing to consider is the image you're using.
If saved the exact image out of the web page that could be your problem, because that image isn't necessarily what is seen on your screen - especially if you have a retina MacBook Pro.